UCW Ltd Company Profile

Growing Revenues & Profitability

UCW Limited are a tertiary education provider with a focus on health and community services, targeting international and domestic students.

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    UCW Ltd
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    Diversified Consumer Services
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    Education Services
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Company Overview

UCW Limited (UCW) owns and invests in tertiary education businesses, with a current focus on Health and Community Services fields of study. The Company’s strategy is to foster and support growth in its existing businesses, through initiatives such as campus and course expansion, while concurrently pursuing additional acquisition opportunities.

UCW currently has two wholly-owned subsidiaries; the Australian Learning Group Pty Limited (ALG) and Ikon Institute of Australia (Ikon, trading as Proteus Technologies Pty Ltd. In addition UCW owns 24.57% of the ordinary shares in Gradability Pty Ltd (Gradability), which is one of the leading providers of the Professional Year Program (PYP).

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Generating operating leverage

UCW Limited are continuing to demonstrate that they are capable of generating operating leverage out of its asset base by continuing to increase revenues and EBITDA.
Getting Results

Group revenue hit A$22.0m in FY18/19, up 75.6% PCP (20.7% Organic Growth), with operating margin improving by 381 bps.

Strategy In Place

By identifying and developing pathways for students across the lifecycle, UCW are able to monetise the same student multiple times.

Strategic Entry

UCW's entry into the Ikon business is paying off, with enrolments exceeding expectations with enrolments up ~200% year on year for FY18/19

Latest presentation

Click here to download UCW's latest presentation

Diversified Revenue Streams

UWC holds a 100% interest in both the Australian Learning Group (ALG) and Ikon Institute of Australia (Ikon), and a further 25% interest in Gradability. UCW covers both domestic and international students across the vocational, higher education and professional student markets.

Generating Operating Leverage

UCW are demonstrating that it can generate real returns from its acquired assets. This is demonstrated by the sharp increase in gross profit margins over the past half-financial year as well as generating consistent half-on-half revenue growth.

Read the Annual Report

Click here to view UCW's annual report

Consistent Student Enrolment Growth Since 2015

The UCW Group have proven it is capable of generating student throughput, with a 3 year CAGR of student enrolments of 35.5% (30.3% organic). This is further underpinned by the expected continued growth of Australia's international student uptake.

Ikon Australia Institute Acquisition

UCW acquired Ikon in July 2018, and has already demonstrated significant student growth (~200%) year on year and has achieved ~$1.5m in EBITDA last financial year.

Clock icon Information current at 15 October 2019

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