Rhythm Biosciences Ltd Company Profile

Early, low cost and simple detection of colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer is the second largest cause of cancer-related deaths in Australia, Europe and the US, and the third largest globally.

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Company Overview

Rhythm Biosciences is developing and commercialising Australian medical diagnostics technology for sale to national and international markets. The ColoSTAT™ diagnostic test is their first proposed product-in-development, intended as a test for the accurate and early detection of colorectal cancer.

Whether used as a ‘first-step’ screening test or in the triage of persons with a positive FIT to colonoscopy, Rhythm expects that ColoSTAT™ could play an important role in reducing the morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs associated with colorectal cancer.

ColoSTAT™ is envisaged as a simple, affordable and effective diagnostic ‘first step’ test to augment any national, state or philanthropic screening programs. This test may be of value to those people who are at risk of developing colorectal cancer, particularly those who choose not to participate in standard screening programs for various reasons.

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An Australian Medical Diagonistics Technology Company

Rhythm Biosciences is a new generation medical diagnostics technology developer for local and international markets. ColoSTAT® is the first proposed product-indevelopment, which is a simple, accurate and low cost blood test for the early detection of colorectal cancer, suitable for the global mass market.
Global Killer

Colorectal cancer is the second largest cause of cancer-related deaths in the industrialized world with over 850,000 deaths annually

Easily Preventable

Curable in over 90% of cases if detected early, this drops to around 10% if detected late stage, once the cancer has spread.

The Solution

Low cost and patient friendly makes ColoSTAT suitable for the global mass screening market over incumbent methods such as the Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT)

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What's wrong at the moment

Of the ~250m U.S., E.U. and Australian citizens at risk, ~132m (~60%) each year that are not being screened for Colorectal cancer via the Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT), despite government funding. The reason for low testing rates includes patient aversion to the handling of faeces, the dislike for colonoscopy and bowel preparation and the complexity of the entire process.

How Rhythm can help

Compared to FIT, Rhythm Bioscience's ColoSTAT technology is fast, convenient and effective. Instead of measuring the blood in faeces like FIT does, Rhythm detects biomarkets in blood samples to determine whether or not a patient is suffering from Colorectal cancer. 83% of patients prefer a blood test over a faecal test.

Early detection is essential

In 90% of cases, Colorectal cancer is curable at an early stage. However, this drops to 10% when it reaches later stages, with chemotherapy required. This is why early detection is essential. By making it easier and more convenient to test for Colorectal cancer, ColoSTAT has the potential to save lives.

Australian Market Statistics

Click here to view the Statistics of Colorectal Cancer for Australia

Relative To Peers

In terms of projected cost and its approach by analysing blood biomarkers, Rhythm Bioscience's compares favourably to other companies that are in this space. Rhythm are targeting a market worth US$12bn just based on the screening done in the U.S., the E.U. and Australia alone.

Clock icon Information current at 15 October 2019

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