Lefroy Exploration Ltd Company Profile

Targeting multi-million ounce gold discoveries

Lefroy Exploration Limited is a Perth based gold explorer focused on greenfields exploration in Western Australia, targeting multi-million ounce gold discoveries.

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    Lefroy Exploration Ltd
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    Metals & Mining
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    Diversified Metals & Mining
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Company Overview

Lefroy Exploration's flagship project is the Lefroy Gold Project located 60km South of Kalgoorlie and covers over 598km2. The project is split into two parts:

  • Eastern Lefroy – where LEX undertakes early stage greenfields exploration and has had success in defining a number of new exploration targets along the Mt Monger Fault with a potential strike length of >20km; and
  • Western Lefroy– where global gold producer Gold Fields (JSE:GFI) is farming in and bringing its significant regional geological knowledge and vast resources to the project.

Both Eastern and Western Lefroy are considered highly prospective for major gold discoveries and lie in a historically under-explored area within a highly prospective geological location near Kalgoorlie.

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All The Right Ingredients

Lefroy has the funding, the land and the team necessary for a potential large greenfields gold discovery.

Intercepts at the Eastern Lefroy project to date have shown high-grade, including 18m at 6.57g/t Au from 68m (LEFR140) at its Lucky Strike prospect.

Prime Location

The Lefroy Gold Project is well serviced and easily accessible being 60km from the mining town of Kalgoorlie and four mills being within 40km of the project

Aggressive Drilling

Lefroy is fully funded to execute on its plan for an aggressive exploration campaign at Eastern Lefroy, and has also partnered with mining behemoth Gold Fields to exploit its Western tenement package

Company Presentation

Click here to view all of Lefroy's latest presentation

High Grades at Eastern Lefroy

Drilling at Eastern Lefroy has shown promising results to date, including 5m at 13.63g/t, 18m at 6.57g/t and 17m at 3.58g/t. Infill and extensional targets along strike are expected to be tested to further understanding of the ore body and its continuity.


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The 18m Intercept

This new 18m at 6.57 g/t intercept is the highest gram metre intersection recorded to date at Lucky Strike and supports the existence of a new south east plunging lode within the BIF hosted mineralisation. It is open and will be tested with further drilling.

See the results

Click here to see recent step out results at Lucky Strike

Favourable Geology & Location

Eastern Lefroy sits within a Banded Iron Formation (or "BIF") and is oxidised down to ~200m of depth. In addition, the project is located approximately 35km north east of Gold Fields St Ives processing plant and 5km south west of the Randalls Processing Plant operated by Silver Lake Resources (ASX:SLR). Further tenement applications to the east of the Randalls Processing Plant have also been made.

Fully Funded

World-renown Gold Fields (JSE:GFI, ~US$70bn market capitalisation) are earning up to 70% in the Western portion of the Lefroy project by spending up to A$25m. Having recently completed a A$3.8m capital raise, Lefroy Resources is now able to focus their efforts on its 100% owned Eastern Lefroy project.

Prime Real Estate

Lefroy's extensive land holding lies in a historically under-explored area within a highly prospective geological location near Kalgoorlie.
Clock icon Information current at 21 October 2019
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