Cellmid Ltd - New experienced Midkine CEO appointment
Cellmid Ltd (ASX:CDY)

New experienced Midkine CEO appointment


New CEO Appointment - Bart Wuurman

On the 1st June 2019, Bart Wuurman became the CEO of Lyramid, which holds Cellmid's Midkine portfolio. Mr. Wuuran's mandate is to accelerate partnering discussions and to explore opportunities to fully exploit these assets.

A Trackrecord of Results:

Mr Wuurman has previously executed successful biotech deals including Antisoma in the UK via a successful IPO and Lanthio Pharma in the Netherland via a trade sale. At AM-Pharma, as CEO, he was instrumental in securing a €29 million funding round and a $600 million option deal with Pfizer.


Mr Wuurman is an accomplished biotech CEO with over 30 years’ experience in innovative drug development, biotech financing, business development and licensing. In 2015 Mr Wuurman became Managing Director of DDF Ventures, a life-science fund with a portfolio of young life sciences companies.

CEO's Summary

Maria Halasz

“We welcome Bart to the Cellmid leadership team and are very excited to work with him on the midkine portfolio. He has a track record of leading successful commercial deals in biotech and we see many opportunities for value creation in taking our midkine assets to the next level of clinical development.”

Maria Halasz
CEO, Cellmid Ltd

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