What's happened?
Bio-Gene Technology Limited (ASX:BGT) have announced the successful completion of its stage one Flavocide research program with BASF and GRDC for stored grain pest control.
What are the key highlights?
- Stage one identified the optimum product combining Flavocide with existing compounds for control of the most common, and highly resistant grain storage pest, the Lesser grain borer.
- The results guide treatment modifications for evaluation on the other major pests of stored grain, with the aim of developing one product combinationthat can control all fivepest species.
- The Four-way collaborative approach involved Bio-Gene, BASF, Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), and Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland Government (DAF)
- The collaborating parties recently met to review the data and determine the details of the second phase, which will focus on testing optimised combinations against the other major pest species impacting stored grain, being theFlour beetle, Saw-toothed beetle, Flat grain beetle and Rice weevil.
- The second laboratory testing stage will begin in May and is anticipated to take three months to complete.
Refer to the announcement linked below for further information.