Amplia Therapeutics Ltd - Institutional Entitlement Offer Completed
Amplia Therapeutics Ltd (ASX:ATX)

Institutional Entitlement Offer Completed


What's happened?

Amplia Therapeutics Limited (ASX: ATX, “Amplia”) has successfully completed the Institutional Entitlement Offer component of its fully underwritten, accelerated, non-renounceable entitlement offer to raise $4.0m.

What are the key highlights?

  1. The Institutional Entitlement Offer has raised $2.0 million for a total of 19.9 million fully paid ordinary shares. It was strongly supported by the Company’s largest shareholder, Platinum International Healthcare Fund, along with a new cornerstone shareholder who is highly experienced in biotechnology investments.
  2. The remaining 20.0 million New Shares will be offered under the Retail Entitlement Offer which will open on Wednesday 8th July 2020 and close on Tuesday 28th July 2020.
  3. The proceeds from the Entitlement Offer will be used to fund a Phase 1 clinical trial of the Company’s FAK inhibitor drug AMP945, additional non-clinical studies and provide additional working capital for the Company.

For further information, please refer to the announcement linked below.

CEO's Summary

John Lambert

“We are very encouraged to see such strong support and commitment from existing and new institutional investors as we commence our transition to becoming a clinical stage drug development company.”

John Lambert
CEO, Amplia Therapeutics Ltd

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