Amplia Therapeutics Ltd - Amplia Appoints Dr Mark Devlin as Chief Scientific Officer
Amplia Therapeutics Ltd (ASX:ATX)

Amplia Appoints Dr Mark Devlin as Chief Scientific Officer


What's happened?

Amplia Therapeutics Limited (ASX: ATX, "Amplia") has announced that it has appointed Dr. Mark Devlin as the company's Chief Scientific Officer.

What are the key highlights?

  1. Dr. Devlin has been directly involved with the programs that resulted in the initial discovery and development of Amplia’s proprietary Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) inhibitor drugs during his time as the biology leader of the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Cancer Therapeutics.
  2. Dr. Devlin has held a number of roles involved in drug discovery and development including a decade at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.
  3. Dr. Devlin and his team were involved in two oncology programs at the CRC that were licensed to Merck Sharp & Dohme and Pfizer in deals with a combined headline value of US$960M including upfront payments of close to US$30M.

For further information please see the announcement linked below.

CEO's Summary

John Lambert

“Mark has been a highly valued advisor to Amplia since its inception and it is exciting to be at a stage where we can finally bring him on board as Chief Scientific Officer. With the first clinical trial of AMP945 about to commence and with a comprehensive program of non-clinical studies to manage, we are delighted that Mark has agreed to formally join the Amplia team at this time. Further, it is increasingly clear from the published literature that FAK is continuing to gain traction as an important drug target for a number of diseases. Having Mark’s input in identifying and developing the most attractive opportunities for Amplia’s drugs, from both a clinical and commercial perspective, will be invaluable."

John Lambert
CEO, Amplia Therapeutics Ltd

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